Saturday, March 17, 2007

this is what i mean

she's a bit off, i'd say. lately she's been staring off into space, or looking at strangers, fantasizing about them, but she doesn't want to be like that at all. she moves awkwardly on crowded dance floors but is graceful at the center of a silent room, and can't easily make eye contact right away but tends to do well with body contact. she might be in love with a character from a novel and she is convinced he exists in her life and has been ever since she first read the damn thing. she likes the feeling of starving and coming home to eat if it has been a good night. she has crazy dreams of losing earrings and uncontrollable cars. she won't buy toilet paper but she will buy too many new clothes, and too many new books. her life is like a modern day "kubla khan" but what is life for if not for dreaming and imagining? she does so many things just to be ironic and sarcastic and seeks out the one person who might just understand even a small part of many people misconstrue those things...she is tired of unfulfilled dreams. the best things in her life are things that have happened by complete random human error or accident or serendipity or whatever you want to call it. she is too captivated by mirrors, by others' eyes, by movement. she is easily distracted at the wrong times. she is

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